
Our Roots

In 2015, the County of Grande Prairie and the City of Grande Prairie collaborated to commission a Joint Recreation Master Plan. The objective of the plan was to serve as a framework for cooperation, and a guidepost for the planning and development of recreation opportunities involving municipalities throughout the region.

An extensive amount of community consultation was conducted in the fall of 2015 including;

Over fifty community group and individual interviews were also conducted. Citizens received a final review of the findings both online and at open houses.

The Joint Recreation Master Plan is designed to ensure that the Region is aligned with Active Alberta and Framework for Recreation in Canada: Pathways to Wellbeing. It contains twenty-four recommendations that are created from the following;

Where are we today

Following the adoption of the area’s Joint Recreation Master Plan in October 2016, at separate Council Meetings on October 17, 2016, the City and County created a committee to provide guidance on recreation service delivery through the implementation of the Master Plan. The two Councils invited the Towns of Beaverlodge, Sexsmith and Wembley, the Village of Hythe, MD of Greenview and the Grande Prairie Regional Sport Connection to be a part of the committee. 

This committee was formally named the Grande Prairie Regional Recreation Committee (GPRRC) March 2017 and meets quarterly, rotating the host venue and Chairperson position between each of the six municipal partners. The Committee is supported by a 3/4 time Regional Recreation Coordinator and an Administrative Working Group composed of recreation professionals from each municipality.